June 15, 1914 – May 12, 1999
Born in Râmnicu Sărat, Romania

Jewish Romanian-born American artist, known for his drawings for The New Yorker, Steinberg exhibited internationally for over five decades in galleries and museums, and posthumously after 1999. He was inveterate traveler whose journeys through the United States, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and India gave him a broad and acute perspective on the culture and mores of 20th century life. His art is an exploration of social and political systems, language and art itself. He executed public murals in settings such as the cruise ships and department stores, designed fabrics and stage sets. He was also an inventive collagist and printmaker. He befriended many of the important artists of his era. His work has been exhibited in prestigious institutions around the world such as the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington D.C. and the Fondation Cartier-Bresson in Paris and is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Dry point table, 1981 mixed media on wood 12 x 24 inches (45 x 60 cm)

Dry point table, 1981
mixed media on wood
12 x 24 inches (45 x 60 cm)